Tarwyn Park and Its Setting

HAA was commissioned by the Heritage Council of NSW to advise the Department of Planning & Environment on the significance and the heritage values of Tarwyn Park property and its Setting, and the likely impacts of the proposed Bylong Coal Project on these values. 

Tarwyn Park and its setting are substantial components in the Bylong Scenic landscape, one of a group of scenic landscapes traversing the Great Dividing Range which are distinctive to the New South Wales landscape. 

The methodology of this assessment takes account of the extensively documented history of the landscape of Tarwyn Park and the Bylong Scenic Landscape. It undertakes mapping of landscape spaces, visual relationships and the fabric of the place and it produces a Statement of Significance.

Tarwyn Park possesses remarkable technological significance as the site of the first and longest application of Natural Sequence Farming in Australia and is of state level significance in the history of Australia’s technological advancements in agriculture.

Hector Abrahams Architects. Heritage Significance Assessment for Tarwyn Park & Its Setting, Upper Bylong, NSW. Sydney: Hector Abrahams Architects, 22 February 2018.