Parramatta Park CMP and Plan of Management
Parramatta Park is a significant and early cultural landscape in Australia, with exceptional Aboriginal cultural values dating over 35,000 - 40,000 years. As a member of a team led by the Parramatta Park Trust, HAA contributed to the development of a Plan of Management and Conservation Management Plan which reconciled the First Nations’ significance with colonial significance, conferring equal emphasis on all the values of the park.
North Head Sanctuary
As a member of the team developing the masterplan for the rehabilitation and activation of the North Head Sanctuary, HAA provided insight into the significance of the place for the fair representation of First Nations values, ecological values and military heritage values.
Camden Showground
The Camden Show Society Committee approached HAA to work with them to develop a new masterplan for their historic showground. The aim of the masterplan was twofold: to provide a framework for the conservation and upgrading of existing buildings while allowing the broader use of the showground’s facilities by the community. A crucial objective was to ensure any changes maintained the agricultural history and function of the site.
64 Rosebery Road
HAA assessed the heritage significance of 64 Rosebery Road finding it to be a good example of a ‘North Shore House’ and recommended it for listing on the Ku-Ring-Gai Council LEP.
North Alexandria Heritage Assessment
HAA were engaged by the City of Sydney to review the heritage impact of the new Southern Enterprise planning proposals in inner city area of North Alexandria.
Kwong War Chong building
An HAA heritage assessment of 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket found that the place, historically known as the Kwong War Chong building, is historically significant for its strong social value and association with the Chinese diaspora communities of Sydney and NSW. It was recommended for local and state heritage listing.
Tarwyn Park and Bylong Scenic Landscape
Commissioned at the instigation of the Heritage Council of NSW, HAA assessed the significance and heritage values of the Tarwyn Park homestead and its setting, located in the Bylong Scenic Landscape. The assessment considers the likely impacts of the Bylong Coal Project on these values, including the technological significance of the application of Natural Sequence Farming in Australia.
Ravensworth Homestead and Estate
HAA carried out an independent assessment of the impact of a proposed mine expansion on the 1820s Ravensworth Homestead and Estate. The assessment was part of a rigorous public assessment process to understand the impact on the significance of the proposed dismantling and relocating of the Homestead by the Glendell Continued Operations Project.
Cumberland Place and Steps
A revised CMP for the state listed Cumberland Place and Steps was undertaken for Place Management NSW. Unusually, the CMP focuses on a historical public thoroughfare with informal aesthetic significance and social value.
Image: Liv Salkeld Photography